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Liberty is an established supplier in cosmetics industry.After a successful start in 1992 as a retail store, Liberty moved on with its own production facility and introduced its own brand to the consumers in 2002. Manufactured with cutting-edge technology and highest quality standards, Liberty products are each a fruit of a comprehensive research and development process.

We work with a vision to always aim higher in quality for your full satisfaction. In 2012, Liberty has opened up to the world and started exports to Europe. Now in 2020, we are launching Liberty Perfume in the United States under Liberty Cosmetics LLC. With the latest technology, highest quality, and a great variety, we develop alternatives to the famous fragrances in the market. We are sure that you will not find so great, so many alternatives, and so many affordable prices together anywhere else. We believe that you will not be able to back down from Liberty. We also offer all fragrances with a 50ml bottle as well as a 100ml bottle in order to save you more money.